Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September = No facebook checking :)

Hello end of summer!!!!! WOW i am so glad to be home!!! vacation for 9wks will NEVER happen again unless we are in one spot for that whole 9wks! we have finally gotten on a good schedule after being home and after family has left. i really dont recommend to anyone to do a 51hr road trip with 3 kids 3 and under...deff a challenge.

 Today I started doing a homeschool program with the girls, and Joseph turned 4 months old yesterday!!! Time sure has flown by! I have restarted all my workout routines, and gotten the kids on a good routine. We hit the gym every morning around 9am and then come home to work on numbers letters and colors with the girls. 

I am working hard on getting my pre joseph body,that i worked so hard at getting last year, back again before John comes home. I know i can do it but its always just a struggle to get started. So I get an hour a day to myself at the gym, going to start doing Aqua zumba and maybe even some Yoga. 

I have also decided that I will not be checking my facebook for the whole month of september...this means not even logging onto Facebook, I have taken the apps off my phone, I post pictures for John and family to see thru instagram, and thats it. So if you are reading this and would like to know how i am doing or would like me to know information call or text me! I am hoping by this i will be able to "catch up" with everyone on Facebook once a week in oct. but honestly i think facebook just takes too much of my time away from my kiddos and i will always update photos but thats about it. I am however still on facebook chat since thats the only way i can talk to John. so theres a way to communicate with me also.

Well thats all for now. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Joseph Harlan has arrived!!

May 2nd 9:07am Joseph Harlan came screaming and suckling into this world! At 7lbs 6oz 19.5in long he is so beyond perfect! So here is how we got an early arrival from my little man!

Wednesday May 1st I had my last drs appt, get paper work done and make sure everything was scheduled for our original scheduled delivery for Friday May 3rd. So Tuesday I was having sharp stabbing knife pains in my lady parts, painful to the point that I would buckle at the knees! So I rested as much as a preparing mother could and waited to talk to my dr in the morning. When I got to the drs office I was still having those wonderful pains and so they put me on the monitors to check me out and make sure Joseph was fine.

After 30mins on the monitors my dr came in and said I am in early labor....SAY WHAT?!?! I don't do labor. My body has never responded to labor. Dr you are wrong haha no way I am in labor. ;) 3rd times a charm cause my contractions (those pains) were 10-15mins apart. So nothing major and nothing to be alarmed by and rush me to the OR. No cervix change (no surprise there) so dr sent me home after telling me he didn't want to wait two days til my repeat c section and he moved me up a day and to be at the hospital at 7:30am! Oh crap! So I went home. Continued to labor but it did start to taper off if I was laying down relaxing.

Thursday morning came into the hospital at 7:30, c section is scheduled at 9:30, got all suited up, lady that put my IV in missed and instead of taking it out and trying again they fished around in there which caused me to pass out and become hot and sweaty light headed and my hearing was off. Double vision. All the fun stuff, nurse said I passed out for about a min. And lost my tongue ring since I took it out before they started the IV but didn't have the ball attached. :/ oh well. They were all ready to go by 8:20 for surgery, and I wasn't. Since they told me surgery would be at 9:30 my mom dropped the girls off at 8:20 with my friend and was on her way, she got there by 8:45. This is where everything picks up speed! We were in the OR starting surgery at 9:05, Joseph came out a short 2mins later! And I was closed up and done at 9:20!!!!! 15mins!!!!! My mom got to hold Joseph next to me while they closed me back up and boy does he look like his sisters! They took Joseph to the nursery and me to recovery then at around 11:30 I finally got to hold and feed him! He latched on great! Has been nursing like a pro. I got some tips from the LC to make sure we keep our latch good and so Joseph doesn't get lazy. My milk came in 24hrs. At 24hrs old Joseph had only lost 6oz. And all day yesterday he kept at his 7lb weight and didn't lose any more :)) it's 9:20am and Joseph is 2 days old, and still perfect!!! We slept great last night, and we will hopefully be leaving in the next 2hrs. Whenever my dr is available to come discharge me. :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hard to believe....

Welp, we are reaching our last few weeks as a family, thankfully i got good news tonight that dates have been pushed back some so we get some more time! SOO what have we been doing.....NOTHING BUT FAMILY TIME!!!!! :)) Spent our 4-day weekend watching movies and playing with the girls!

Started fully potty training Ruth, its official NO MORE DIAPERS in this house!!!! she has done great for being 18m and on her second day. I have learned that she has AMAZING bladder control. stays dry for 2-4hrs! She stayed dry her first night which was awesome, and she has only had 3 accidents today compared to the 6 yesterday. Ive noticed she does better when she is without undies on, she will stop herself from peeing, she caught herself in a dribble today and stopped walked to her potty and finished (Awesome right?!?!)!!! So thats what I've been doing yesterday and today, hoping by this time next week she is at least telling me every time before and/or going on her own!

I have also realized that it is MUCH harder to potty train with treats and rewards with a child that is already potty trained, cause then they think that they deserve them too, so we've had to explain to Jennika that its Ruth's turn to learn how to be a big girl and this is what we did with you so now we are doing it with Ruth. So i compromised and said if she stays dry all day (which she does no problem by now) she can have an M&M before bath time....so far its helped thankfully!

We have my mother in law and John's best friend coming out from Oregon on Monday, to spend a week here with us, so this weekend is getting the spare room back together and a bed in there. Glad John will get some time with his mom before he heads out.

Last week we got rid of dressers, we had a scare with Jennika the dressers were in their closet facing each other and Jennika pulled on her dresser and it fell over, thankfully Ruth's dresser was right across and it caught the dresser instead of it landing on Jennika. So i bought some closet organizer starter kit from Amazon and set it all up, girls now have everything hung up which is nicer for my OCD self since everything is in its place and neat! no more digging into dresser drawers for one shirt and ruining my folding and organizing haha.

Jennika has also been working on her letters and name. She did an amazing job for her first time!!

Thats about it thats new with us Rodewald's hard to believe January is already almost over!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New year new goals

Haven't blogged in a while a lot has changed! Sept we found out we are expecting baby number 3! Final one :) and it's a boy! Yay! Joseph Harlan Rodewald will be gracing us with his presence first week of may :) the girls and I went to visit with some awesome family at Disney world end of oct and early nov! The girls had so much fun Jennika really loved meeting the princesses and characters :) Jennika has been going to preschool since sept and she loves it! We continue to do dance class and looking to get Ruth into a dance class or something soon.

We found out early dec that John will be deploying again sometime in Feb. which was a shock to us since a few days before he was for sure not going. But nothing is ever for sure with the army! So his deployment will be 9m as far as we know and he will come home to meet his son when Joseph is 6-7m old. :(

We spent a week before Christmas cleaning and organizing every since inch of our house (which isn't a lot)! Trying to get everything organized before deployment well before the new year so we can spend as much time as a family as possible. Still have a few things to do but that's only because I don't like the set up in the girls' room and I'm picky. So today I worked on the girls' dress up stuff!

We don't have much storage in this house but since we cleaned organized and got rid of a bunch if extra stuff we were using out under the stairs storage for baby toys and baby things. Well we have a bedroom for that and the bedroom won't be used until next year so I changed it to a dressing room for the girls! Which cleaned up their room a lot! So I will be in there tonight to organize again and hope I can get it to something I like!

So now I have this brand new bookcase I originally bought to make a dress up closet thingy and I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet....but I have an idea so we will see.

I will be blogging more since I am trying to cut my time spent on Facebook, but still want to include family on what we are doing and how the girls are doing. Plus when John leaves I want him to be able to see everything we do like he is home :)

Happy new year!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Busy summer.

It's been a busy summer but I have maintained my goals and enjoyed a vacation to see family. The girls are growing too fast and we have managed a trip to SC, a birthday party, a trip to Oregon, Josiah moving back here with us, and a move into a new house! Crazy what life throws at you and I think I have handled myself well with everything going on. I am kept up with working out and all of August I have been working on my abs. Looking forward to a few detox days and I am posting a picture updating my old one. :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Still going strong!

Well i know its been awhile since my last entry, my life has been a little crazy! but I'm still going strong, working out every day and I've been able to run too!!! which is HUGE for me since I've NEVER been a runner! I started out Running .73 miles (its just around my block)
Day 1- 10:15
Day 2- 9:23
Day 3- 8:32
Day 4- 8:15
Day 5- 8:18
Day 6- 7:47
Day 7- 7:32

YAY! I am so proud of myself! My last run puts me at just under an 11min mile!!!! Ive also been going to the gym and enjoying myself! Today i started a routine, going to do the bike or elliptical and then work my lower body for one week, they switch to my upper body! so that way i can focus on one area and hopefully start seeing results! I have some pictures I'm going to share and holy cow are some of them INSANE! but i have found some photos of the older me and how i was before i even had kids!

On a non fitness side i started doing freezer meals, i spent $450 on over 90 meals! I'm very happy with the meals we have been eating them for over a week now, and so happy that i don't have to prepare dinner ever night. we have a whole freezer full of over 60 dinners 30 breakfasts and lunch stuff!

The kids are doing wonderful!!! Jennika is gaining a southern accent, and Ruth is almost 1!!!! holy cow has time flown!

But overall everything has been wonderful! Ive deactivated my FB for awhile, not that anyone really notices, but i think I've just become addicted and i need to focus more on my home and my family. so I'm hoping to go awhile without my Facebook even though i will not have much of a social life since everyone only likes to communicate thru FB. but i know the people that really want to talk to me have my number! So here are some pictures of me and my update on my body change! These last few weeks i haven't seem much LBS changing but i took a picture and I've seen the inches disappear! :) Don't judge me! :)

Left: Sometime in 07/early 08 Right: Now

L:April 08 R: May 2012

June 2012

L: Mid May 2012 R: June 2012

L: Jan 2012 R: June 2012

All my jean sizes! What I started at to what I am now! :)

Thanks for reading!!! My Mini Goal is only a few weeks away!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

30lbs down!!! Heck yea!!

Well I have made another milestone! 30lbs!!!!!!!!! Omg. If you would have asked me 4 months ago if I would be 30lbs lighter id of told you heck no! But I am SO thrilled. I even told myself at 30lbs lost I will get to a gym. And I have found the perfect one! :) I started today and it was awesome! I'm going to add some swimming in and elliptical. I think swimming will help so so much with my sore muscles and burn some fat at the same time :) the girls love the child care there and I am strangely comfortable with it. So I am going to post another picture. My first picture and my picture today :) I have 47lbs to go. But would be happy to just lose 15% body fat.